Friday, May 25, 2012

Performance - Long Term Problem

Today we rocked our Long-Term performance, BIG TIME!  The conditions were a bit challenging because the performance was in a lecture hall with an immovable (by rule that is, we COULD have moved it if they would have let us!) lectern right in the middle of the performance area!  So instead of a huge performance space, we had to do the whole play in half the space (avoiding the Titanic in the middle of the stage).  It was pretty tight.  The good news is we JUST made the time (the plays cannot be longer than 8 minutes), so no overtime penalty!

Emily had been hoping to meet someone from Poland on this trip and as luck would have it, our team was assigned a "shadow" who just so happened to be from Poland!  A shadow is a coach from another country who follows teams through the performance process to see what it is like.

After the performance with our Polish Shadow
With the World Finals Odyssey Angels Problem Captain

What do we do with the set now?

According to my Stopwatch we made it just in time!

The team did a great job and even got a standing O from a few of the judges.  The practices had been a little shaky just before the scored performance, but they were spot on when it counted.  We have seen several plays from other World competitors but so far ours has definitely been one of the better ones!  When we got our raw scores from the judging team we were pleasantly surprised to see that we score higher than we did at the NC State Finals (and that score qualified us to be here!).  It was a very good day.

After the performance, the team got the honor of tearing down the set (literally!) in celebration of a job well done!

Tomorrow we will be watching plays from Sinapore and Hong Kong as well as many others.  A team from Germany followed our performance today but we didn't get a chance to see it.

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